Category Archives: Stuff

It’s A Wonderful Life, Happy Thanksgiving and More Mushiness


Is mushiness really a word? Probably not, but luckily it’s my blog and I can make up any word I want! So there–all you grammar police. Which while I am on the subject, I don’t know where I picked up the dash habit — ? I think dashes–are the new dots…… It will drive some of you nuts, all 2 of my readers but whatevs—-. I think some sweet little english teacher is turning over in her grave right now.

So……can you believe I have never seen the classic movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” until yesterday? I am not a big movie person and I really dislike old movies. But I had to watch it for my daughter–which leads me to the reason why I have been AWOL lately. My daughter’s high school is putting the production on in a few weeks and every year I help as stage manager. I have been doing it for years but it takes literally weeks of my time. I usually can do nothing else–it’s hours a day, everyday. It was a cute movie but unbelievably corny and in my opinion, I think Frank Cappra ripped off “A Christmas Carol” just saying–now Frank Cappra is doing summersaults!

Anyway, while I am here I thought I would wish you all a wonderful Turkey Day! Here’s the mushiness part of the blog I promised.

I am only thankful for one thing on Thanksgiving, I wish it every time I blow out my birthday candles, crack the wishbone, see a shooting star (yeah right) or anytime I need to make a wish for something


This is what I wish for (we are missing Franky my son’s girlfriend who should be in the pic). This handsome group is what I am thankful for. My happy, healthy and wonderful family, that’s all any Mom could ever want.

Oh geez–I just blew it that was our Christmas picture–well pretend you didn’t see it. Okay, I will sign off and bid you a Wonderful Holiday. I hope to get some studio time in soon and put some new work up–

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My Obsession With Reliquary Cases

Well at least I had a better day in the studio.  No cuts, no bleeding–that’s a good day.  Not to mention, my 3 new reliquary cases.  I don’t know why I am so obsessed with them but I am.  The funny thing is I just like to make the cases.  I always think I will fill them and make some kind of jewelry out of them, but it never happens.

Reliquary Cases

Reliquary Cases

These are out of the watch tins, riveted, with an acrylic center.  The usual stuff–but the medals are interesting.

reliquary case

Reliquary Cases by Sarjeant & Co.

Masonic Medal

This case was made from the medal to the right.  I have tried and tried to find out which masonic organization this is from and can’t find it.  As you can see I removed the middle, removed the scales and riveted them to the top of the medal. Polished them up a bit and VOILA!  a new case.

None of these are listed yet.  I will probably list them next week, I just wanted to give you a sneak preview.

reliquary case

Reliquary Case

This one is from the “Astra Castra Numen Lumen” medal that I had listed.  If you want any medals in my shop you better grab them quick, if not I will make a case out of them!  This one is ‘rosary style’ meaning it has the 2 links on top and 1 on the bottom.

Last, but certainly not least is a finger rosary with a sterling silver sacred heart medal riveted to the top.  Man, I have written riveted about 6 times in this post.  My torch is probably thinking I abandoned him.  I need to get back to my torch–no more rivets–I must stop riveting–I need riveters anonymous!!!!!!

I am still trying to figure out how to make glass tube lockets so that you can add your own stuff inside and then glue it closed.  It sounds easy but it isn’t because the brass tube has to fit the glass exactly right so I need hunt more brass tubing down.  It’s next on my list of things make.  I think I will take tomorrow off from the studio stuff and enjoy the outside world.

I am excited to have some girlfriends over Saturday for a day of soldering.  They have never soldered, I think we will make Christmas ornaments–fun, fun…



Filed under Stuff

You Ever Have One Of Those Days?

You ever have one of those days when everything goes wrong?  I will rephrase that and say, when nothing goes right. It’s like the cup half empty or half full thing–it depends how you say it–either way the day sucked.

Anyway, the first problem is I am tired. I don’t work well when I am tired –especially with fire, power tools and sharp objects.   I wish I could say that my art is my living, but I can’t.  Actually, if I made me living out of it I probably wouldn’t do it anymore. I am weird like that.

So yes, I have a real job, kids, family, dogs, friends, holidays, all the usual things that fill my day 100%.  Luckily, I only work part time and the rest I can play in my studio–which by the way, my studio is beautiful.  Someday, I will show you.

I was so excited to have 3 days off today. I planned to get loads done.


So I start off by cutting myself. You like my disgusting nails? Actually, these are nice nails for me. They are usually worse.  Looks like I build cars for a living.  Anyway, It wouldn’t be a studio day if I didn’t cut myself–without fail.   You would think I would keep band-aids around. Of course not. Instead, I use whatever I have laying around duct tape, masking tape, plastic baggies, my shirt, in this case it was hemming tape.

I finally get my finger squared away, sit down, ready to start my big 3 DAYS OF CREATIVITY and then…… draw a huge blank.


You know those days when it just ’empty’ upstairs.  Nothing comes to you? I just kept looking at this mess thinking I have 3 days off and I need to make something  fabulous.  Nothing………………

My plan B when I am drawing a creative block, is Mr. Ipod.  Music can always pull me out of a funk.  Today it was Glee, all day all the time. Yep, I am a “Gleek” with a big “L” on my forehead.   ‘Whatevs’…….as my child would say.

So now I have wasted half the morning, stalling with things to get my creative juices moving.  If stalling translated to jewelry pieces, I would have had 100 pieces made today!  The computer is the best time waster of all.  Hence, me posting on my blog for no good reason.

Then this happens…….yes, look at these faces, only a mother can love.   These eyes are saying, “I am bored, sick of being in this house and please MOM–TAKE ME OUT!!”

We can now add guilt to my list of other issues today.



So that’s the end of my sad story……………….my son actually ended up walking the dogs for me.  I am still on the computer and have decided sometimes you just have to cry, “Uncle” and just figure tomorrow is another day.  So for now, I will cry “UNCLE”!!!!!

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