Category Archives: Etsy Listing

New Reliquary Cases

I had this long post about  “Trench Art” which is fascinating but I can’t seem to finish it.   I will eventually post it  instead I thought I would post something easy.  Like my new cases.  I just love these cases!  I keep making them and making them, which is unusual for me because I get bored easily.  These are just so much fun, and I love treasure boxes, treasures–especially little ones.

When I first started I would just list them without anything in them.  I decided that customers/designers needed to see what it would look like with SOMETHING in them even a picture.  I wanted something different besides the masonic eye, so found Mr. Peacock Circus Man.    He  didn’t make the final cut–so I wanted to give him so ‘air’ time anyway


So I ended up with a piece of red felt–kind of giving it the Christmas feel if you want, or not.   I think next round I will add a ring to the bottom so you can use it rosary style if you want.

Reliquary Case--Sarjeant & Co on Etsy

Here’s a case with a finger rosary.  It has a plastic container in the back,presumably for Holy Water.  I am not sure.


Filed under Etsy Listing

Making Connections (And I Don’t Mean Jewelry)

Sarjeant & Co. opened in July of this year.  It is my third shop on Etsy in 3 years.  It fascinates my how over the years, jewelry has connected me to so many people–literally.   With my current shop I make  pendants, reliquary cases, tube lockets, things the etsy designer can connect to other pieces, which connects them to others, and it goes on and on.

etsy jewelry

Reliquary Case by Sarjeant & Co on Etsy.

Anyway,  these etsy artists started as customers and quickly became my etsy friends.  Many I will never meet or ever hear their voices, regardless I consider them my friends.  I wanted to ‘share the love’ again and show you a few of the more of my designer/customers and their shops.

Let’s start with the funny and very prolific jewelry designer Betty of LilyoftheVally.  I call her Moosie and she calls me Elkie.   Why?  Well, when you hear the names “Betty” and “Donna” do you think of 2 young people or 2 old people?

"His and Hers" Betty of Lily of the Vally

Exactly!  I don’t think it makes you think of  2 kids in diapers–at least not pampers. Probably the other ‘DIAPERS’. So-o-o-o we thought we would change our names to ‘younger names’ We had names from ALL walks of life—if you get my drift.

But, somehow Moose and Elk stuck plus it’s very tiring to try and think up a new young person type name every time you email someone.

Polly shabby birdcage

"Polly" by Betty of Lily of the Vally

Of course, Moosie and Elkie definitely make us sound like teens.  ‘What-evs’  nod and agree.    Anyway, she is quickly approaching 1,000 sales. Something I can only dream of……  Check out the rest of her shop Lily of the Vally–no that is not a typo.  Maybe she will have a 1,000 th customer appreciation sale or something–I made that up–you better check with Betty.  Well, that’s what I would do if I had 1,000 sales!!!   I only have about 810-ish more to go!

Then of course there is my long time friend Mariam of  The Hand of Fatima.  Mariam has hung in there with me for 3 shops since the beginning of time for me.   She is another one of those ‘almost 1,000 sales’  friends-o-mine.

etsy jewelry

"Birdsong of a Nomad" by Mariam of The Hand of Fatima

Her jewelry comes with these  wonderfully scripted stories she writes for each and every listing.  They are fabulous like her jewelry!  I don’t know how she does it, I can barely get out, “brass tube” on my listings and I am exhausted!

"Time Lost in Las Vegas" by Mariam of The Hand of Fatima

"The Dead Railroad" by Mariam of The Hand of Fatima

I had huge plans to ‘share more love-but I am BEAT.  Instead I will leave you with probably one of the funniest listings? designs? (I am not even sure what to call it) I have ever seen!  It is so clever, and I LOVE clever.

If I had one ounce of guts (that was not actually the word I was going to use)  I would buy one of these and wear it.   This is by Detroit Knitter on Etsy.  She will even add a nipple ring for free!

"Boob Scarf" by The Detroit Knitter on Etsy

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Filed under Etsy Listing, Sharing The Love

New Odd Fellows Pinbacks

For some reason I am hugely attracted to all stuff masonic–I think it’s the same reason I am attracted to Sacred Heart medals–the imagery and art is fabulous.   I try to  get away from it but it seems to always draw me back in.  I am always on the search for pinbacks at a reasonable price with great art.  Here are a few:

Odd Fellows Pinback "Sarjeant & Co"

Odd Fellows Pinback "Sarjeant & Co"

Odd Fellows Pin from "Sarjeant & Co"


Odd Fellows Pinback by "Sarjeant & Co."


Don’t forget I listed some reliquary cases today in my store Sarjeant & Co.  You can look in the upper left and click any of the pictures to my store to see all the cases.


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Filed under Etsy Listing

Reliquary Cases, Reliquary Cases, Reliquary Cases…..

Here’s a peek into today’s studio adventures.   I am making more cases  with vintage masonic medals and finger rosaries. They have been a popular item in my store Sarjeant & Co lately.   So I thought I would make as many as I can today.

I have a feeling this may be the last batch.   We will see, that’s the beauty of being the proprietor  you can do what you want– when you want.

Reliquary Cases

I am probably going to list starting Friday….

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Filed under Etsy Listing