New Reliquary Cases

I had this long post about  “Trench Art” which is fascinating but I can’t seem to finish it.   I will eventually post it  instead I thought I would post something easy.  Like my new cases.  I just love these cases!  I keep making them and making them, which is unusual for me because I get bored easily.  These are just so much fun, and I love treasure boxes, treasures–especially little ones.

When I first started I would just list them without anything in them.  I decided that customers/designers needed to see what it would look like with SOMETHING in them even a picture.  I wanted something different besides the masonic eye, so found Mr. Peacock Circus Man.    He  didn’t make the final cut–so I wanted to give him so ‘air’ time anyway


So I ended up with a piece of red felt–kind of giving it the Christmas feel if you want, or not.   I think next round I will add a ring to the bottom so you can use it rosary style if you want.

Reliquary Case--Sarjeant & Co on Etsy

Here’s a case with a finger rosary.  It has a plastic container in the back,presumably for Holy Water.  I am not sure.


Filed under Etsy Listing

2 responses to “New Reliquary Cases

  1. You are SOOOOO talented! I look at your blog and just get so inspired to create 🙂 Thanks Donna for being such an awesome Etsy friend and inspiring us all!!

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